September 17, 2020
Dear Friends,
First of all, don’t forget to mark your calendars for Pork Chops in the Park on Saturday, October 3, 4:30-6:30pm! You can find some more by clicking here. Invite your friends!
There are a few other things on the calendar to notice as well:
Sunday School kicked off this past Sunday! Many thanks to everyone who is helping out with Sunday School. It’s one of the most important things we do as a church — helping ensure that all our kids are brought up in the faith. It’s something we promise to do at every Baptism — to pray for and encourage this new child of God as they grow in faith and love.
Confirmation begins next week! We have 6 students this year — a great group of young folks. Please remember them all in your prayers as their Christian education continues and they mature in the faith. Confirmation meets on Wednesdays from 4:15-5:30pm.
Bible Study continues on Wednesdays at 10am and Sundays at 10:30am. If you’re not in the habit of sticking around for Bible Study after church on Sunday, give it a try! We’re wrapping up our study of the Gospel of Mark, but it’s also an invaluable opportunity to discuss whatever’s on your minds. Your questions and conversation are essential as we grow together in God’s Word. We wrap up at 11:30 on the money, so you’re home in time for lunch or to watch football, I promise!
Concordia is now host to a weekly Homeschool Co-op! If you hear the church bells ringing on Monday morning at 9am, it’s because a group of kids is gathered in the sanctuary for worship. The morning includes religion instruction, time together as a community, and enrichment activities. If you have kids and are interested in participating or you know someone who might be interested, please let me know! Even if you’re not homeschooling and your kids are doing distance learning or are otherwise free on Monday mornings, come join us! All you have to do is show up. And, of course, anyone is welcome to join in worship at 9am!
Men of Concordia — come to Church for a Bible Study on Wednesday evening, September 30 at 8pm. It’ll be a study aimed at addressing some of the unique challenges facing men in our day. They’re challenges we ought to confront together with God’s Word, having each others’ backs. We’ll do this occasionally, maybe once a month.

That’s it for now. Thank God for the blessings he’s given to our church, most importantly the blessing of his Word, which sustains us from day to day and week to week.
“All flesh is grass,
and all its beauty is like a wildflower in the countryside.
Grass withers, flowers fade,
when the breath of the Lord blows on them.
Yes, the people are grass.
Grass withers, flowers fade,
but the Word of our God endures forever” (Isaiah 40:6b-8).
God bless and keep you,
Pr. Buchs