August 16, 2021
Dear Friends,
You’re invited!
We have traditionally held Wednesday evening services during the summer here at Concordia. As we move into fall this year, we’re going to keep our Wednesday evening services going, but they’ll take on a different character.
We’ll follow the orders of Vespers and Evening Prayer, much like we do during the seasons of Advent and Lent. That means the service won’t be a repetition of Sunday’s service.
The idea is that, regardless of whether you came to church on Sunday, there’s an opportunity in the middle of the week to slow down, hear God’s Word, and pray. It’s a chance for us to come together as a family during the week and receive strength and encouragement from our heavenly Father.
The service will be at 7pm as usual, and it will last 30-40 minutes.
We’ll be hearing from God’s Word in sequence – we’ll start by working our way through Paul’s letter to the Philippians.
I hope you can join us, at least from time to time!
Our world makes such ungodly demands, and so often folks feel like they can barely squeeze in worship on a Sunday morning. But that’s going about it all wrong. Worship is the one thing that should be permanent and immovable on our schedules. Everything else should have to work around your time in God’s house, not the other way around.
One way to push back against this ungodliness is simply to set aside more time for God’s Word. The world acts all needy, like if you don’t give it time and attention everything’s going to fall apart. It’s not true. Give your time and attention to God, and see how he blesses you with everything that you need.
So come to church on Wednesdays, starting September 1 at 7pm. Sing God’s praises and hear his promises and finish your week refreshed by the goodness of your Savior.
God bless and keep you,
Pr. Buchs
P.S. Take a close look at that engraving at the top. Did you notice the painting in the background? Can you tell what it depicts? If you want to try to figure it out, don’t read on yet.
The family is gathered around to say their evening prayers, and there’s an enormous painting of the story of the Good Samaritan on the wall. What a beautiful home, where God’s Word is on their minds and on their lips and even on their walls!