October 25, 2021
Dear Friends,
The Church has a color-coded calendar. You look at it every Sunday in the paraments (decorative cloths) that are on the pulpit, lectern, and altar, and in the stole (looks like a scarf) that I wear around my neck.
It’s a helpful way to observe the passing seasons and the different times in the life of the Church. We’re just wrapping up now a long green season, which starts at the beginning of the summer and ends just before Advent. Green is for growth – during the Trinity season, we hear Gospel lessons that teach us how the Resurrection of Jesus bears fruit in our lives and grows the Church, the body of Christ.
You can see the flow of colors in the chart below.

You’ll notice this Sunday that the colors are changed (thanks Jeanne and Nick!) for Reformation Day. Red is the color of blood and fire, so it is used at Pentecost (tongues of fire and the Holy Spirit) and in days dedicated to martyrs. It’s used on Reformation Day to accompany our thoughts of renewal by the Holy Spirit as we think of the Christian life as a life of continual repentance.
The very next week, we have a change of color again – to white. White is for celebration, which is why it is the color of Easter and Christmas. It is also used on days that we commemorate saints who were not martyred. That’s why it’s used on All Saints’ Day: it reminds us that those who have departed in the faith have robes purified in the blood of the lamb.
This goes on throughout the year. Blue for the hope of Christ’s return during Advent, and violet for penitence during Lent. Black, the color of ashes, for Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
The colors are just a small part of our worship, but they fit in with a beautiful whole, every part of which is meant to teach us and remind us and draw us along as we make our way through life. Watch as the colors change and note the seasons!
God bless and keep you,
Pr. Buchs
Fall Bazaar – Saturday, October 30 @ 9am-3pm
Reformation Day (Kid’s Sing during church) – Sunday, October 31 @ 9am
Voters’ Meeting – Sunday, October 31 @ 11:30am
All Saints’ Day (observed) – Sunday, November 7 @ 9am
Family Night – Wednesday, November 10 @ 5:30pm