April 5, 2022
Dear friends,
O sacred head, sore wounded,
Defiled and put to scorn;
O kingly head, surrounded
With mocking crown of thorn:
What sorrow mars thy grandeur?
Can death thy bloom deflower?
O countenance whose splendour
The hosts of heaven adore.
In thy most bitter passion
My heart to share doth cry,
With thee for my salvation
Upon the Cross to die.
Ah, keep my heart thus movèd
To stand thy Cross beneath,
To mourn thee, well-belovèd,
Yet thank thee for thy death.
My days are few, O fail not,
With thine immortal power,
To hold me that I quail not
In death’s most fearful hour:
That I may fight befriended,
And see in my last strife
To me thine arms extended
Upon the Cross of life.
God bless and keep you,
Pr. Buchs
Elder’s & Council – Thursday, April 7 @ 6 & 7pm
Family Night – Thursday, April 14 @ 5:30pm
Maundy Thursday – Thursday, April 14 @ 7pm
Good Friday – Friday, April 15 @ 7pm
Easter Sunday – Sunday, April 17 @ 9am