April 26, 2022
Dear friends,
If the 12 days of Christmas give us some extra time to celebrate after the world has taken down its lights and decorations, the season of Easter is practically unending. 50 days we keep the white paraments in the chancel and the Paschal candle lit. 50 days until the feast of Pentecost we keep the celebration going. Overkill? Certainly not.
I think one of the reasons it may seem like overkill is that we’re not very good at either fasting or feasting in our day. We’re no good at restraining our desires. In a world of two-day delivery and instant streaming, fresh strawberries and lettuce in the middle of winter, we have been trained to scratch every itch whenever it starts to tickle. That’s obviously no good for our exercise of self-discipline. It means we don’t know how to fast.
But not knowing how to fast also means that we do not know how to feast. When every day is full of indulgence of every kind, we settle for cheap thrills and things that do not satisfy. Binging on TV or processed food is not real pleasure. And that’s why it keeps you coming back for more – because despite how much you consume, somehow it does not actually fill you up.
So, we have some things to learn. Let us learn them in this way – by celebrating the feast of Easter in sincerity and truth. For 50 days, at least, let us fix our hearts and minds on the bread from heaven that satisfies eternally. Let us souse ourselves in God’s mercy by hearing and attending to his promises and his mighty works among us. Let us breathe deeply of His Spirit, and so be filled with his joy and peace!
Don’t settle for cheap thrills and things that do not satisfy. Don’t settle for the things of this world – praise God that he has given you heavenly things: forgiveness and his life in abundance.
Read your Bibles. Pray. Come to church. Learn some Easter hymns and sing them all the time. Look up some paintings of the Resurrection and see what you can see. Thank God for his steadfast love!
Mark your calendars! On the 40th day of Easter, the church celebrates the Ascension of Christ. Join us for a circuit worship service at Trinity in Clear Lake on Thursday, May 26 @ 7pm!
God bless and keep you,
Pr. Buchs
Elders/Council – Thursday, May 12
Men’s Bible Study – Wednesday, May 18
Circuit Ascension Service at Trinity, Clear Lake – Thursday, May 26 @ 7pm