May 3, 2022
There are a few unique opportunities coming up that I hope you’ll consider!
First, this Sunday, May 8, during the Bible Study hour (10:30-11:30 am), we’ll welcome Samuel Preus from Luther Classical College to share information about the college. Located in Casper, WY, this college aims to open its doors in the Fall of 2025. It will provide a conservative, classical Lutheran education to Lutheran students. You can read a little bit more here: https://www.lutherclassical.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/LCC-Prospectus.pdf
Plan to join us in welcoming Samuel and to hear how this college can benefit our children and how we can help to support it!
Next, Immanuel Lutheran in Albany has received a new pastor. Immanuel is one of the 10 congregations in our circuit (the St. Cloud Circuit). If you’re curious about our circuit, you can find here the list of all the circuits in Minnesota North and a list of their congregations. When the Rev. Steege is installed on Sunday, May 15, all of the congregations in our circuit will have a pastor. Consider joining the folks in Albany at 3pm on the 15th for a worship service to install their new pastor!
Finally, one of the landmarks in the season of Easter is Ascension Day. 40 days after Jesus rose from the dead, he ascended to the right hand of the Father (Acts 1:1-11). The church has historically celebrated this as a festival, which means a Thursday worship service. Our circuit is going to take the opportunity to have a joint celebration. Join us for a circuit worship service at Trinity in Clear Lake on Thursday, May 26 @ 7pm!
God bless and keep you,
Pr. Buchs
Elders/Council – Thursday, May 12 @ 6/7pm
Installation at Immanuel, Albany – Sunday, May 15 @ 3pm
Men’s Bible Study – Wednesday, May 18 @ 8pm
Circuit Ascension Service at Trinity, Clear Lake – Thursday, May 26 @ 7pm