May 24, 2022
Just a reminder that this Thursday is Ascension Day! 40 days after Jesus rose from the dead, he ascended to the right hand of the Father (Acts 1:1-11). The church has historically celebrated this as a festival, which means a Thursday worship service. Our circuit is going to take the opportunity to have a joint celebration. Join us for a circuit worship service at Trinity in Clear Lake on Thursday, May 26 @ 7pm!
Here’s a prayer for you on Ascension Day:
O Lord Jesus Christ, eternal High Priest and King of all thrones, upon finishing on earth all that was written concerning You, You entered the heaven of glory in and according to Your exalted human nature, and sat down at the right hand of God on the throne of majesty. Still You are everywhere and Your kingdom reigns supreme. But we are still pilgrims in this valley of tears, in a world that lies in wickedness and which You overcame, as You said. Where now is the way that takes us safely through to You? How shall we find this way, O Lord, unless You by Your Spirit teach us and by Him lead us on this way and keep us on it?
O Lord, this world passes away with its lust, and all its brightest glory is as transient as the day that was yesterday. Besides, our stay in this world lasts but a few days, and these pass by more rapidly than the water current. O lead us on the way to heaven, to Your glory, where we shall be with You forever. Behold we die one by one and we pass away like a shadow. But we are prone to take it lightly. We each walk our own way, as seems right to us. Make our heart certain, that we walk on no other road than the one that leads to You and to Your imperishable glory.
O Lord, You are seated at the right hand of majesty in heaven, to save us forever and to make us happy in Your kingdom. Be mindful of this even when we are not mindful of ourselves. Save us powerfully by Your might, and give us heavenly bliss, not for our sakes, but for Your own sake. For the kingdom we are to inherit is Yours. Yours is the power to lead us into it. And Yours shall forever be all honor and glory, when we, Your redeemed, shall be happy in Your kingdom. Amen. Hear us, for the sake of Your eternal love and mercy. Amen.
Excerpt from: Book of Family Prayer, by Nils Laache (1831-1892)
You can read it online here: https://archive.org/details/bookoffamilypray00laac, or you can find it in print here: https://www.amazon.com/Book-Family-Prayer-Meditations-According/dp/B00UDCLAO0
God bless and keep you,
Pr. Buchs
Circuit Ascension Service at Trinity, Clear Lake – Thursday, May 26 @ 7pm
Elders & Council Meetings – Thursday, June 9 @ 6 & 7pm
Old Settlers’ Day – Saturday, June 25