June 28, 2022
The Bible is full of warnings about danger. The danger of sin, the danger of the devil and his demons, the danger of false teaching, the danger of pride and laziness and indifference.
The Bible gives us those warnings because we would not know there was danger otherwise.
Think of a flock of sheep. Out on pasture, guided by their shepherd, they happily munch away on grass, day in and day out, delightfully oblivious to the wolf or the bear or the lion that is prowling around, just waiting for one of them to stray ever so slightly.
And so, the shepherd warns them — when they begin to wander, he calls them back, and he keeps them together. Although the grass could very well be quite tasty over there away from the flock and the eye of the shepherd, the sheep cannot imagine the danger they’d face. And so the shepherd warns them. He wields his rod and staff, he corrals them with his sheep dogs, and he teaches them to stay close to his voice.
That’s the life of a Christian. You are safe when you listen to the voice of your shepherd. But if you wander, all bets are off. There are dangers you could never imagine, temptations you never thought would entice you, and the devil will catch you quite unawares.
Summer is a time when lots of Christians wander. The weather is nice. School is out. Vacations have been planned. What’s the big deal with Sunday mornings anyway?
Hear the warning of your shepherd: if you think you can get by just fine for a time without hearing the voice of Jesus, you are offering yourself up as wolf-bait. You’re inviting the devil to devour you. And he’s no fool. He does not miss opportunities.
That may seem extreme, but neither are the sheep able to understand why that grass over there isn’t just as good for grazing. They must simply listen to their shepherd. Neither is the toddler able to understand why he shouldn’t put his hand on the stove. He must simply believe his dad.
Believe Jesus. Stay close to his voice. Hear his word. Eat and drink his body and blood. Rejoice in the forgiveness of your sins! Rest easy as he leads you in green pastures and beside still waters. Thank God for all the blessings he places in your lap, no need for you to wander or to go looking for blessings anywhere else.
Just as the danger away from the flock is greater than you can imagine, so also the peace and safety when you’re with the shepherd are far greater than you could know. He died for you, after all. If he was willing to do that, then he will certainly let no harm come to you!
God bless and keep you,
Pr. Buchs
Elders & Council – Thursday, July 14 @ 6 & 7pm
Vacation Bible School – July 31-August 4 @ 6-7:30pm