July 12, 2022
If you were going to invite a friend to church, what would you say?
If he asked you, “Why should I go?”, how would you answer?
Why do you go to church?
There’s a wide range of reasons that people go to church, just as there is for a lot of things.
Take the gym, for instance. Some people actually go for their health — to lose weight, to get stronger, to stay fit. Going to the gym helps them stay healthy. But others go for other reasons. Maybe you go because your friends are there. Maybe you go because your wife got you a membership and you don’t want to seem ungrateful. Maybe you go because it gets your mind off of other things in your life. Maybe you go because that guy you’re interested in works out there. Maybe you go to impress your friends.
What’s the range of reasons people go to church? Here are some reasons I came up with — what did I miss?
My family goes. My friends are there. I like the music. I feel like I’m supposed to. The pastor is entertaining. I feel good when I’m there. I want people to think I’m a good person. I don’t have anything else to do. My wife made me. I don’t want the elders on my case.
There are good and bad in those reasons, and it’s worth thinking that through. But none of those reasons gets to the heart of the matter.
Here is the heart of the matter: Christians go to church to hear the voice of their Savior. That’s the amazing thing about church – in this place at that time on Sunday mornings Jesus sees fit week after week to show up and shepherd us with his Word. Go because Jesus is there, in forgiveness and mercy, and he’s talking to you!
Back to the original question, that may seem like a far-fetched thing to say to a friend who doesn’t go to church. Why would he care about any of that?
Well, if he’s a friend, he’ll care about it because you care about it.
That’s why Christians need to have their heads straight about what church is for. If you act like God’s Word is unimportant or church is a social club or it’s a family affair or it’s all about nostalgia, then that is what your friends will think.
But if you care about hearing God’s Word, and if you care about it because you know that your life depends on it — how can your friends and neighbors help but see that? What a wonderful gift you can give them!
So get excited about coming to church! Get excited because God is here and he’s talking to you. He’s training you in wisdom and godliness; he’s teaching you to trust him and love your neighbors; he’s preparing you for eternal life in his kingdom. This is where it all happens!
And then, let your excitement show! Rejoice that your sins are forgiven! Rejoice that you have peace with God! Rejoice that heaven has been opened and you are going to inherit paradise! Rejoice and tell your friends that you want them to share in your joy!
God bless and keep you,
Pr. Buchs
Elders & Council – Thursday, July 14 @ 6 & 7pm
Vacation Bible School – July 31-August 4 @ 6-7:30pm