August 30, 2022
Mark your calendars for our annual Pork Chop Supper, this year including pulled pork as well! Saturday, September 24, starting at 4:30pm. There are lots of opportunities to help, so if you’re willing to lend a hand for some or all of the afternoon, talk to Leslie Rose or reach out to me!
And while you’re thinking about it, invite your friends and family to this year’s dinner, especially folks who need to hear the Gospel.
“The appointed time has grown very short” (1 Cor. 7:29). Maybe you feel that way about our world — that it’s coming unraveled. It’s true: “The present form of this world is passing away” (1 Cor. 7:31). Even if it’s just the passing of the days and weeks and months and years, you know that things are not the way they should be. Sin has corrupted everything, and it shows in our world.
But Jesus has defeated sin, death, the devil, and even hell itself. The battle is over and the victory has been won. We are privileged to live in hope instead of despair, to live by faith and not by sight. Christ has died for your sins, and he rose again! That’s the best news there is, and this year, I’ll take a few minutes during the dinner to share that news with everyone gathered.
Maybe you know folks who have strayed from the church or folks who have never darkened the door. Maybe you have neighbors you’ve never talked to or co-workers that you don’t know much about. Invite them all!
In the weeks ahead, I’ll have some postcards available at church that you can give to folks to invite them. And I’ll also be looking for some volunteers in the week leading up to the dinner to make sure that everyone in Fairhaven has gotten an invitation. Let me know if you’re willing to help!
God bless and keep you,
Pr. Buchs
Elders’/Council Meetings – Thursday, September 9 @ 6 & 7pm
Family Night – Wednesday, September 14 @ 5:30pm
Men’s Bible Study – Wednesday, September 21 @ 8pm
Pork Dinner – Saturday, September 24