December 5, 2022
One of the things that can make reading the Bible seem tricky is the scope. That is, it covers a long time! It’s easy to get bogged down in the names and places and lose track of when it’s happening and what it has to do with the big picture.
Timelines are super helpful in easing that burden! We have a nice timeline hanging on the East wall of the fellowship hall — take a look at that sometime!
Some time ago I also came across a site that had pictures of an old, hand-drawn timeline by a Lutheran pastor named Rudolph Zwingel. You can find it here:
I’ve been gradually working on getting a nice printed version of this for some years now, but in the meantime, below you’ll find individual photos taken of the parts of the timeline. Take a look and see what’s familiar, what’s unfamiliar, what you’re surprised to remember, and what you never knew you didn’t know!
Whenever you’re reading the Bible, it’s helpful to take a moment to figure out where on the timeline the passage fits. If you ever have questions about this, ask! There’s nothing better for your heart as you prepare for the coming of Jesus than to attend to the history of God’s salvation delivered to us!
God bless and keep you,
Pr. Buchs

Choir Practice – Wednesdays, Nov. 30, Dec. 7 & 21 @ 6pm
Midweek Advent Services – Wednesdays, Nov. 30, Dec. 7, 14, & 21 @ 7pm
Elders’/Council Meetings – Thursday, Dec. 8 @ 6 & 7pm
Family Night – Wednesday, Dec. 14 @ 5:30pm
Sunday School Christmas Program – Sunday, Dec. 18 @ 11am
Christmas Eve Divine Service – Saturday, Dec. 24 @ 7pm
Christmas Day Divine Service – Sunday, Dec. 25 @ 9am