December 27, 2022
First, mark your calendars for an Epiphany Service at 6pm on Friday, January 6 at Redeemer in St. Cloud. Epiphany marks the end of the 12 days of Christmas and brings us into the next season of the Church Year. We’ve all been invited by Pastor Timm to come worship at Redeemer, and there’ll be some treats to follow the service.
Yesterday, December 26, the 2nd Day of Christmas, is the day that the Church traditionally remembers St. Stephen, the first martyr of the early church.
He was chosen as a deacon of the church in Jerusalem in Acts 6 — to help with the ministry of the apostles by ensuring that all the needy members of the church were cared for.
Stephen was bold and full of grace and power (Acts 6:8), and that attracted the attention of Christ’s enemies. They persecuted Stephen and put him on trial in a kangaroo court, just like Jesus. He testified in his own defense, and you can find his testimony in Acts 7.
His story and testimony are a gift to us, even 2000 years later. They witness to his faith and to the promises of God which he believed. He recounts the whole history of the Old Testament up to Christ in an extraordinary summary. If you ever want to have a refresher of the Old Testament, Stephen’s overview in Acts 7 is super helpful.
His witness to Jesus, the Righteous One, fell on deaf and wicked ears, and he was stoned for his faithfulness.
Take some time this week to read Acts 6-7! It’s a great way to connect the Christmas season with the life we now live as children of God — relying solely on God’s promises in Jesus and awaiting the resurrection to eternal life!
God bless and keep you,
Pr. Buchs
Epiphany Service at Redeemer in St. Cloud – Friday, January 6 @ 6pm
Family Night – Wednesday, January 11 @ 5:30pm
Elder’s/Council – Thursday, January 12 @ 6 & 7pm
Women’s & Men’s Bible Study – Wednesday, January 18 @ 6 & 8pm