December 26, 2023
Dear Friends,
Concordia has been privileged to support Luther Classical College in Casper, WY as it gears up to open its doors in the fall of 2025.
Here’s a letter Concordia recently received with gratitude for our support and an update on how things are going:
If you haven’t looked into this incredible undertaking yet, take some time to browse the college web-site: lutherclassical.org
In particular, here are a couple of long-form interviews with the Chairman of the college and the Academic Dean. You’ll hear how enthusiastic they are and also how incredibly timely and valuable a college like this will be.
God bless and keep you,
Pr. Buchs
Wednesday, Dec. 20
9:30am – Matins
10:00am – Wednesday Morning Bible Study
6:00pm – Choir Rehearsal
7:00pm – Midweek Advent Service
Sunday, Dec. 24
9:00am – Divine Service (Fourth Sunday in Advent)
7:00pm – Lessons and Carols (Christmas Eve)
Monday, Dec. 25
9:00am – Divine Service (Christmas Day)
Tuesday, Dec. 26-Saturday, Dec. 28
Pastor on vacation