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Giving an account

** Heads-up! No Chapel or Bible Study tomorrow morning (Wednesday, January 24)!

January 23, 2024

Dear Friends,

“Know, therefore, that you must be concerned not only about hearing, but also about learning and retaining God’s Word in memory. Do not think that this is optional for you or of no great importance. Think that it is God’s commandment, who will require an account from you about how you have heard, learned, and honored His Word” (Martin Luther, Large Catechism, 10 Commandments, 98).

We tend to be so very concerned with outward appearances, that we forget entirely the weighty matters of the heart. We are satisfied that we have managed not to curse, murder, cheat, or speak evil of our neighbor. Meanwhile, we permit evil thoughts in our minds and indulge the evil desires that dwell in our hearts. We are satisfied that we have gone to church, maybe once in a while, maybe every Sunday. Meanwhile, we are tempted to let God’s Word go in one ear and out the other, as though faith were a matter of sound waves striking our ear drums.

If you are not aware of these temptation in your life, ask yourself whether you’re aware of any temptations. Or does the devil have such a grip on you that you feel you have no sin to struggle against and no need for protection from his wiles?

The remedy for temptation does not include freedom from it – at least not in this life. You can wisely avoid it. You can see it coming and call it out. You can gird yourself and wrestle against it. You can commend yourself to the mercy of God who promises the way of escape. But you cannot be rid of it. “It is necessary that temptations come” (Matthew 18:7). You cannot prevent the birds from flying above your head, the saying goes.

You can’t prevent the birds from flying above your head, but you can prevent them from making a nest in your hair. And that’s what devotion to God’s Word is all about. Hearing and learning and remembering and honoring God’s Word – all of those actions are the plea of a sinner towards God in the face of temptation. They are the cry of the brokenhearted father, “Lord, I believe! Help thou my unbelief” (Mark 9:24). They are the confident appeal to God for mercy: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68).

So pay attention. When you’re in church, pay attention. Figure out what distracts you and guard against it. Figure out what of God’s Word grates against your flesh, and let it put your flesh to death. Filter everything through the cross of Jesus, where he rescued you from sin and death. Believe what God promises. Do what he commands. And be prepared on the last day to give an account: “We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty” (Luke 17:10)!

I promised I’d send along the notes from Bible Study, so here you go! Bring your questions on Sunday, and we’ll keep marching along!

God bless and keep you,

Pr. Buchs


Wednesday, January 24
10:00am – Visitation for Wylis Muehring
11:00am – Funeral for Wylis Muehring
6:00pm – Small Catechism Bible Study
7:00pm – Midweek Vespers

Sunday, January 28
9:00am – Divine Service
10:30am – Sunday School/Bible Study
11:30am – Annual Meeting

Wednesday, January 31
9:30am – Chapel
10:00am – Bible Study
6:00pm – Small Catechism Bible Study
7:00pm – Midweek Vespers