May 28, 2024
Dear Friends,
Three things this week:
1) Last week I sent a letter to St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Almena, WI notifying them that I was declining their call. I’m very thankful for all of you, your patience and input, and above all I thank God for the grace and faith he’s given to you! It’s a joy to be your pastor, and I look forward to continuing to rejoice in his mercies to us that are new every morning!
2) Take a look at the following article for a quick update and good news on some of the things at the Capitol that were of concern to Christians in Minnesota over the last session. It was a surprisingly positive end to a difficult and unsettling session.
3) Finally, here’s a word from a handy little book called “An Explanation of the Common Service” — it’s a series of questions and answers about the liturgy that we use every Sunday. Here’s one of the questions about preparation:

This is a great suggestion. The Introit, Collect, and Readings (the answer leaves out the Old Testament reading because it was written at a time when there were only two lessons in the service) for a Sunday set the theme for the day, and spending some time with them ahead of worship is a good way to prepare yourself to hear God’s Word well. I can think of at least three reasons why this is helpful:
#1 It gives some direction to your daily devotion to God’s Word. Of course, studying God’s Word at all is excellent, but when question of what to study is already answered, it makes it all the easier.
#2 Hearing God’s Word for Sunday ahead of time may lead you to come prepared with questions! I find that I always get more out of study when I have specific questions I’m looking to answer, and if you’re primed for Sunday with questions that came to mind while preparing – wonderful! And if they don’t get answered during the Service, Bible Study is a great occasion to ask away!
#3 It is always easier to hear something that is familiar. It makes it easier to pay deeper attention, to notice things that you wouldn’t notice on your first hearing. Studying ahead of time allows you to listen more carefully while we’re reciting the Introit, praying the Collect, and hearing God’s Word in the readings.
These Propers, as they’re called, are available in the bulletin for the coming Sunday, which you can find on the church web-site every week: http://www.concordialcms.com/bulletin
Take a look, and let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly!
God bless and keep you,
Pr. Buchs
Wednesday, May 29
9:30 am – Chapel
10:00 am – Bible Study
7:00 pm – Vespers
Sunday, June 2
9:00 am – Divine Service
10:30 am – Bible Study
Monday, June 3-Wednesday, June 5
Pastor on vacation
Wednesday, June 5
No morning Bible Study or evening service