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Be prepared

July 2, 2024

Dear Friends,

First of all, a heads-up that I’ll be out of the office next week, July 8-14. That means there will be no Wednesday morning Bible Study or evening service on July 10. If something comes up, and you need to get a hold of a pastor, reach out to Pastor Bruce Timm at Redeemer in St. Cloud (320-252-8171).

Then, here’s an exercise for you in light of Peter’s encouragement yesterday: “Honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15).

Think about it as a series of steps:

#1 – Honor Christ the Lord as holy. How do you honor Jesus? Listen & obey. Listen by devoting yourself to his Word at church on Sundays and daily throughout the week. Obey first with the obedience of faith: trusting in him for every good thing, calling on him in every trouble. Also obey by keeping the commandments.

#2 – Hope in him. If you listen & obey, you will have hope for blessings in this life and resurrection and glory in the next. That hope changes the way you live. Do you live as someone who has hope? Or are you afraid, in despair, grumbling, anxious? Repent and believe Jesus who taught us that his Father cares for the sparrows and the lilies. How much more will he take care of all our needs? Let that hope color your whole life. And where that hope is lacking, pray for the Spirit to strengthen your faith that you would not doubt but trust in him.

#3 – Be prepared to give the reason. If you live in hope, you will stand out. Where others are afraid, in despair, grumbling, and anxious, you will be confident, hopeful, content, and rejoicing. And they’ll ask you, “How can you be so at ease?”, like the disciples in the boat on the stormy sea asked Jesus: “Don’t you care that we are perishing?”

How would you answer the question? That’s the exercise. Practice at home, with your family, in your prayers, when you’re meditating on Scripture. Practice giving the reason for your hope. “I’m not afraid because I know that God is on my side.” “I’m not hopeless because God loves me as his child.” “I have no reason to grumble because my heavenly Father gives me everything I need.” “I rejoice because my life is full of blessings that I didn’t deserve.”

You get good at what you practice! The more you practice saying aloud what God has done for you and how he has been merciful to you, the better you get at it! God grant that we would be a people fully prepared to give the reason for our hope so that many more can also receive the blessings of God, our Father!

God bless and keep you,

Pr. Buchs


Wednesday, July 3
9:30 am – Chapel
10:00 am – Bible Study
7:00 pm – Vespers

Sunday, July 7
9:00 am – Divine Service
10:30 am – Bible Study

Wednesday, July 10
No Chapel, Bible Study, or Vespers

Sunday, July 14
9:00 am – Divine Service