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Time in the Word

October 1, 2024

Dear Friends,

First, just a quick reminder to be thoughtful about your time! Take stock and see — how do you use your time? How much time do you spend on your responsibilities? How much time do you spend on frivolities? How much time do you spend with God’s Word?

I harp on this a lot, and the reason is simple – we’re all slow to learn and quick to forget. Lest we become like the seed that grew up among the rocks or in the midst of the thorns and thistles, let us regularly refresh our devotion to God’s Word! Take the opportunity to plan for more time in the Scriptures!

Then, we have an update to the directory ready to go! There’s a sign-up at church by the coat racks, or shoot me a quick e-mail reply to let me know if you’d like a printed copy or a copy e-mailed to you.

God bless and keep you,

Pr. Buchs


Wednesday, October 2
8:30 am – Homeschool Choir
9:30 am – Chapel
10:00 am – Bible Study
6:00 pm – Bible Study
7:00 pm – Vespers

Sunday, October 6
9:00 am – Divine Service
10:30 am – Sunday School/Bible Study