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Time in the Word

September 19, 2023

Dear Friends,

Don’t forget! Pork Chops in the park this Saturday!

And then, I handed out this worksheet with the bulletin on Sunday. Take a look! It’s an opportunity to ask yourself about your time. How much time do you spend studying God’s Word? How does that compare with your time spent on other things?

I’d really like to hear some feedback about this! I’ll invite this feedback again on Sunday, but feel free to write me an e-mail. How’d you feel about this? Did you crumple it up and throw it away? Did you think, “That’s too much work. Not worth it”? Did you do the math and feel really bad about yourself? Did you do the math and feel really proud of yourself? Did you commit yourself to adding some more Bible every day? Did you manage to do it?

Let me know! All answers are acceptable.

God bless and keep you,

Pr. Buchs


Wednesday, September 20 @ 6pm – Small Catechism Class
Saturday, September 23 – Pork Chop Dinner